We are proud to announce that #JoomlaGov won a J!Oscar at the JandBeyond Conference 2012 held in Bad Nauheim, Germany.
We would like to thank all of the contributors who helped make this project what it is today!
The #JoomlaGov Project started in April 2011
The original concept started with Marcos Peebles (piezoworks) who answered a question from Brian Teeman on twitter and posted a blog item on on his website, "The world according to Joomla!". Since then a large post has been made on the official wiki website from Joomla which shows all government websites using Joomla!.
We started this site to portray this graphically rather than a long list, so users get more of a visual idea on where the sites are concentrated.
Online Groups & Updates: Twitter - Latest Updates via this hashtag: #joomlagov.
What is Joomla?
How this site was built?
Since we had an existing list to work from, we used a couple of automated techniques to get the data into Joomla!
- We scraped the Source website on the Joomla Wiki and extracted data for each website link into a csv file. The website name, href link and category (country) were recorded for each entry.
- Once we had this data, a script was written to parse the csv file and visit each site to take a screenshot in a set resolution. The only issues here were that some sites had been hacked and others were too slow to load, so we couldn't grab those. The script then cropped all the images to the same size and renamed them appropriately. This automation took roughly 15 hours.
- We then had to solve the issue of getting the data into Joomla, as we didn't want to enter 1750 articles manually. We had decided to use k2 as the CCK with the Title, Country as a category, screenshot for the image, and extra fields for the gs location, and a few other details. We decided against doing a csv import due to possible complications with the images, as they're not identified in the database but rather by a hashed filename. We decided rather to automate the process of manually adding each article into the backend, this was a familiar process to us and k2 would then handle the images. So we wrote a sript to add each k2 category (country) from the csv file and automatically set the correct inherit parameters etc. We then did the same for saving out each item, setting the appropriate title, category, image and fields. The script of commands to do all this was over 100k lines and had to be split into 10 pieces of 185 articles each. Each batch of 185 articles took about 50minutes to run.
- Once all the items were in we had to manually move them around on the map...
- To increase the speed of the map (initially loading at 50 seconds) we introduced caching, this greatly improved performance. On top of this the css is combined and minified. The main Map file was reduced from 23.000 lines of code to 4 lines of code.
Note: In order to classify the countries we used wikipedia as a source to make 6 regions (Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, Central & South America, North America). There are some 'countries' classified into different 'regions' while they are part of others.
Thanks goes to the following
- @Marcos Peebles & Cédric Doppagne from piezoworks together with Dwight Barnard, Jarred de Beer, Ian Gibbins and @Matthew Philogene from raramuridesign, for building and maintaining the site.
- @Brian Teeman for inspiring and posting the original blog post and the follow-up, which ended being this site, and the Video, see the home page.
- @Ryan Ozimek for leading the effort on building the mega list on the Joomla! wiki page and those who helped maintaining the list aka JSYEWC* - the Joomla's Silent Yet Efficient Working Community - @hamanaka, @joomlaworks, @vistamedia, @BrianTeeman, @Alledia, @Isidrobaq, @carcam, @ot2sen, @jcardenasvejar, @gnumax, @JWillin, @neo_sigsiu_net, @jen4web, @javi_gomez, @chessman2212, @ivanramosnet, @rdeutz, @hagengraf, @JustinHerrin, @jonnsl, @lookielou, @pe7er, @krijksen, @joomlacorner, @nikosdion @AlexRed...
- @Hilary Cheyne and @Torettox84 and @219jondn for offering their support and help on editing.
Sources & Articles
- Keynote at Universidad Católica de Chile (www.puc.cl) for Joomla's Diploma Course - 2 December 2011
- Case Study - How we built the joomlagov.info Website - Dwight Barnard (ZA), Joomla Day Cape Town, South Africa, August 2011
- Mexico City runs Joomla! - Written by Steve Burge, Joomla Community Blog, 28 Nov 2011
- Joomla! Named Top Open Source Content Management System - Joomla Has Now Won a Packt Open Source Award Three Times Since 2006, marketwatch.com, November 2011
- LiveLink's Drupatlas - Open Source Rocks, Drupalistas join the game and make their own map, October 2011
- Website Case Study: Joomlagov.info - Joomla Community Magazine, August 2011
- Joomla! in South African government - Phehello Mofokeng, Joomla Community Magazine, August 2011
- Open Source Observatory and Repository for European public administration (OSOR.eu) - Over 2700 official websites listed in 'JoomlaGov' - 18 July 2011
- Experiences with Joomla! in the Venezuelan Public Sector - Experiencia con Joomla! en el sector público venezolano - 7 July 2011 by Adrián Prado
- Discover over 1800 government sites built in Joomla! - Joomla Community Magazine, June 2011 - by Steven Zeegers
- Joomla Quietly Crosses 23 Million Downloads, Now Powering Over 2,600 Government Sites - techcrunch.com, June 11, 2011
- Washington Post - June 11, 2011
- Joomla! Around the World - Brian Teeman
- The world according to Joomla! - Marcos Peebles
- Government Websites using Joomla! wiki page
- Joomla Community Showcase
- Joomla! Open source CMS
- Joomla! Community Magazine
- J and Beyond
- Alltogetherasawhole, JoomlaForward
- How Many Websites Are Using Joomla: A Closer Look - finishjoomla.com, 4th June 2010